Tuesday, April 30, 2013


7 Fruits and Vegetables That Reverse the Signs of Aging

As moms, we tend to put ourselves last when it comes to taking care of us. Somehow the kids, work, errands, housework, and other things get in the way. It's good to know that we can reverse the signs of aging without spending too much time and effort. By just eating the following seven fruits and vegetables were on our way to continue looking fabulous. Here's to us!!!!!


Lycopene, an antioxidant that can combat free radicals (molecules or ions that can damage healthy cells and suppress your immune system), gets the credit for tomatoes' ability to help protect against some cancers, including lung cancer. If possible, opt for Classica tomatoes—in a study of 13 tomato varieties, Classicas ranked highest in lycopene.


This popular leafy green is a major source of vitamin K (one cup cooked contains almost 12 times your recommended daily value), which may help ward off heart disease and osteoporosis. Ask for Winterbor kale at your local farmers' market—in addition to vitamin K, this variety contains high levels of fiber, which can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


The deep-purple skin gets its rich color and anti-aging power from nasunin, a nutrient that helps fight the spread of cancerous cells by cutting off the blood supply they need to multiply. Research also suggests that nasunin may slow the development of Alzheimer's disease by preventing free radicals from damaging neurons.

Red Bell Pepper

This immunity-boosting superstar contains roughly 60 percent more vitamin C—which triggers the production of white blood cells that fight off germs and bacteria—than its green counterpart. It may also keep you looking young: A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with diets high in vitamin C were less prone to wrinkles, possibly because the nutrient spurs the production of collagen.


Rutin, a potentially lifesaving flavonoid (a class of antioxidants) found in high levels in this flavorful fruit, may block an enzyme linked to the formation of blood clots, lowering the risk of heart attack or stroke, according to a 2012 study from Harvard Medical School.


One of the herb's medicinal properties comes from the antioxidant eugenol. Recent lab studies found that this compound sparks anticarcinogenic activity in cervical cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct.

Brussels Sprouts

Our cells are naturally equipped with tumor-suppressing genes, and the sulfur compounds found in Brussels sprouts may help those genes by blocking enzymes that promote tumor growth. A 2012 study also found that these sulfur compounds could play a key role in treating rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammation and activating cartilage-protecting proteins.

Friday, April 26, 2013


April 26, 2013 - April, 28, 2013 

Lemon Festival in Upland, CA

There will be Food, Live entertainment, business and commercial expo, arts and crafts fair, carnival rides, midway games and kids fair. Located in historic downtown.  For more information please visit their website at uplandlemonfestival.com

April 27 -April 28, 2013

San Bernardino Railroad Days

BNSF engines and Amtrak trains, a steam engine, model trains, horse drawn apparatus, Santa Fe railroad artifacts, historic San Bernandino exhibits, reenactors, food and drinks, vendors and music. For more information visit their website at sbdepotmuseum.com

April 27, 2013 - April 28, 2013

International Children's Day Festival, Long Beach CA

Celebration includes traditional music and dance performances by children representing various cultures, hip hop dance and martial arts demos, arts and crafts, face painting, educational programs and much more. Aquarium of the Pacific. For more information please visit their website at aquariumofpacific.org

April 27, 2013 - April 28, 2013

Santa Maria Valley Strawberry Festival, Santa Maria, CA

This is for all the strawberry lovers. There will be fun entertainment, strawberry varietal sampling, strawberry desserts, cooking demos, educational exhibits, carnival rides, and live entertainment. For more information please visit their website at http://www.santamariafairpark.com/santa-maria-valley-strawberry-festival/

April 27, 2013 
6:00AM - 12:00PM

March for Babies

Join the millions of people who are getting involved to support the March of Dimes biggest annual fundraiser, March for Babies. It’s the walk that helps moms have healthy pregnancies and saves babies’ lives. Register today at marchforbabies.org. March for Babies is locally sponsored by Farmers Insurance Group, Toyota, Big 5 Sporting Goods, and Providence Health and Services. For more information please visit their website at http://www.marchforbabies.org/

April 27, 2013 
10:30AM - 4:00PM
Paramount Ranch) 2813 Cornell Road, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 

Santa Monica Mountains Science Festival

For the naturally curious... Come discover your neighborhood national parks at the fourth annual Science Festival. The event and parking is free and open to the public. Hours are 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 27th at Paramount Ranch in Agoura Hills, CA.

The public can expect a variety of programs that appeal to children and adults alike including a live animal shows, hands-on demonstrations, children's nature activities, and ranger-led nature walks. Scientists and researchers from Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, Channel Islands National Park, Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego, the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, and the California Science Center will be on hand to provide natural resource updates on reptiles and amphibians, carnivores, native plants, and marine ecosystems. In addition to scheduled programs, many booths and games will be available throughout the day. 
For more information please visit their website at http://www.nps.gov/samo/sciencefestival.htm



As moms we are always busy and on the go to keep up with our children's school, activities and family life. At times we don't have the chance to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Recently I've been hearing about the newest nail fashion called "Ombre Nails". It seems like Nail art and manicures have blown up over the past year. With all the little mustaches, bow ties, and colors it's hard to navigate. To make your trend-spotting a little easier, we've collected some fabulous Ombre nail styles. Here are our favorites.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Do you have a Mom Intuition???

Women do have a sixth sense and it becomes extremely acute after a woman gives birth. From my twenty years of practice I have observed that most woman do not trust their intuition and spend too much time pushing it away rather than listening to it.
I have found that when my clients feel comfortable with me, and allow themselves to tune into their gut feeling about themselves and their children, that ultimately, their initial feelings are always the correct ones. When they are able to be honest enough to tell me what their ‘inner voice’ is saying to them, then it makes my job as a lactation consultant and homeopath easier, and allows us to come up with quicker and less stressful solutions for their problems.
Unfortunately, most moms tend to push away their intuitive thoughts, minimize them and rarely tune into them when it comes to making decisions. They may sincerely feel one way, but then they seem to be easily swayed by their doctors, advertising, or peer pressure. Since there isn’t a step-by-step guide book when you become a parent, the most important gift you can give to your children is your intuitiveness - when it comes to raising and making decisions for them.
Why is it often so difficult for moms to be strong and hold fast to their initial gut feelings, rather than give in to those around them? It is because most of us have spent our lives pushing away our instinctive feelings in order to be accepted and accredited by people around us.
Children on the other hand, are naturally intuitive and can clearly state their likes and dislikes, and quickly ascertain whether they like or dislike people they meet. However, the problem arises when busy adults, who are constantly navigating the many different, and often complex, social events in their lives, ignore their children’s instinctual and gut feelings or even dismiss them as childish ranting. Unfortunately, children walk away with the message that their first intuitive feeling is incorrect, not valid and unimportant; which is an impression that most of us carry into adulthood.
So why is it important to learn to tune into our gut feelings? Because they are usually correct! It’s like meeting a new co-worker who gives us a creepy ‘vibe’, but since we’ve been programed to dismiss our first feelings, we talk ourselves into ‘liking’ the person. Then when that new co-worker turns around and gets us into trouble we say in retrospect, “I knew this person was not someone I could trust.”
Or as another example - haven’t we had an initial feeling that a certain teacher would not be good for our child, but rather than going with our gut intuition, we accept the assessment of everyone around us who insists that this teacher is the ‘best.’ And so we push away our feelings and allow our child to stay in the class. Yet months later we want to pull our hair out because we didn’t go with our initial intuition that was warning us that our child would never ‘click’ with that teacher, but would only end up feeling disappointed and miserable.
How do we begin to listen to the ‘private voice’ in our heads, that modern thinkers call our intuitive-self? It is challenging and often difficult to redevelop our intuitive skill after having worked so hard to dismiss it. Below are a few suggestions that will begin to make your intuitive-self more available to you, and hopefully it will become a trusted friend once again.
Advice to moms for themselves:
1. Stay in the present moment and don’t think about a hundred things at one time.
2. When you enter a new environment, take a moment to look around - notice things like the color of the walls, decorations, smells and lighting.
3. Stop and ask yourself how you feel in the place where you find yourself.
4. When you meet someone new, ask yourself what your first impression is.
5. Stop pushing away your true feelings and experience what you are really feeling.
6. Check in with yourself during the day and begin to understand how things affect you, and how influenced you are by those around you.
Advice for moms to help foster and support their child’s intuitive self:
1. Always ask you children how they are feeling, and really listen to their answers.
2. Don’t just dismiss your child’s thoughts even if you disagree.
3. If your children say they are scared or uncertain, don’t just tell them they shouldn’t feel that way, allow them explain their feelings.
4. Thank your child for telling you their true feelings and tell them how important those feelings are.
5. You don’t always have to give into their feelings; just acknowledging them will allow your children to continue to develop their intuitive-self, be comfortable with it, and allow their gut feelings to be a part of their adult lives.
Begin to teach your children from a young age that what they are feeling and observing is good and safe. This doesn’t mean that if your child would rather have ice cream instead of her salad that we need to ‘honor’ her request, fearing we will repress her growth as an intuitive person! It means that if your child feels scared, you should take the opportunity to talk to her about it, rather than just say, “Oh, there is not anything to be scared about.”
You are still the parent and have adult judgment that is more developed than your child’s, but feelings need to be acknowledged and not dismissed or put down. Allow your child to foster, acknowledge and feel proud of the gift of intuitiveness that she has been given.

About the Author: Sara Chana, IBCLC, RH (AHG) is a lactation consultant, classical homeopath, registered herbalist, doula and mother of seven children. She has worked with over 10,000 new moms and babies.                         
Courtesy of: Modernmom.com

Saturday, April 20, 2013

At Home


Hello my lovely Unique mothers. With Earth day right around the corner, I researched and rounded up the most UNIQUE craft, cookies and snack ideas for your little ones.
I'm sure they will love spending time with their mommy and siblings to create some masterpieces while enjoying yummy and healthy snacks. Take a look and Happy Earth Day!!!!

Great Earth day snack ideas

Earth Day Fun

Friday, April 19, 2013

At Home

The Art of Throwing and Giving Things Away

Getting rid of things in your home can be a difficult task; it seems like we can always find reasons to hold on to items that we no longer need or use. 
But what happens when we just can't bring ourselves to throw things away? We may imagine that we will need these items someday - but what would life look like without ownership of these objects? Within all of us there is a little hoarder addiction.
Here are some things that you should seriously consider getting rid of and throwing out (and by that, we mean donate, dump, trash, incinerate, whatever it takes to get it out of your life and space):
Junk Mail and Papers - As you go through your daily mail, sort the papers and magazines as you look at them. Set up a file or holding place for bills to paid, papers to file and any action items. Magazines that you want to read or look at belong in the magazine rack. Current ads belong on the kitchen table or desk when you will can refer to them. Remember anything that you don't use or buy - out it goes! In with the new, out with the old.
Magazines/Books - Unless you have a large bookshelves and unlimited space for magazines, you should not hold on to them. Magazines are usually just for use during the current month, if they are hobby or interest that you treasure then you should create a holding area for them and still consider the limit. Much of what you read is on the internet and can be found elsewhere. Don't forget the library can hold most of the books for you!
Old Toys/Old Clothes - Notice the word "old" here. Sometimes old is not good, or treasured, rather old is broken, worn out, out-dated and worthless. The toy must be in good shape and functioning, the outfit must be clean, stain-free and in fashion, the shoes must be clean, "lightly used" and the right size.
Useless or Broken Appliances - If it's broken, you don't want want it in your home. If the appliance is useless to you, give it to someone who can use it.
Old Furniture/Picture Frames - This is tricky, because sometimes you hold on to furniture because you might be moving someday and you will need it for your new and larger home. Try to find someone who could store it for you meanwhile to eliminate the clutter and space issue. If you are saving a picture frame, take out the picture and store the frame empty in case you want to give it away quickly. Most frames are never reused.
Old Paint and Fixtures - Most old paint is not reusable since the color changes over time. It is better to recycle it (Earth911.com). If you do keep the paint, label it properly. Unless you are handy with your household appliances, most fixtures are hard to reuse and are not worth storing. Chances that you have the right part are rare.
Contents of the Junk Drawer - Best case scenario is to empty the contents of the drawer and sort through all the objects. Put the extra change, batteries, hair accessories, kids missing toys where they belong and get a drawer organizer/divider and sort the remaining objects in each little section of the divider. Label the drawer and keep it updated and current.
Dishes and Kitchen Items - Sometimes we culminate too many mugs, and plastic storage containers with not lids. How about all those broken plates and spoons that are troublesome and annoying? Do you have any pots that are worn and scratched? These are the items to throw out!
Dated Receipts, Paychecks, and Bills - You only have to keep receipts that are tax related for seven years. That means that the receipt has been used for tax purposes and used for deductions. The paychecks can be tossed after your 1099 has arrived. Bills are only necessary if you are using them for tax deductions.
Expired Medicines and Vitamins - Notice the word expired. It is very important to keep your medicine cabinet updated. If it's old, "toss" and get a replacement.
Linens - Keep your linen is good shape and clean. Make sure you have enough for guest and replacement for your "sick days." Otherwise, thin it out and enjoy the good stuff.
Power Cords - Only keep cords that you are sure you have the actual appliance and electronic active. Many people forget what each cord and wire belongs with. Label them as you get the new gadget.
Spices - Some spices can last for a long time. Check your inventory and keep the active ones up front and make a list of the ones you are missing. It there are some that are seldom used, consider putting them in the freezer.
Old Greeting Cards - Create a file for "cards" and label the different categories. You will enjoy being about the find them when you need them.
DVD, VHS and Audio Tapes - Since many of us have Netflix or other ways to watch TV and movies, we don't have to keep as many DVDs as we once did. Consider getting a nice plastic container to organize them into categories and put them in a safe dry place.
Makeup - Most makeup can last a year or two. However, it is nice to give yourself a fresh new look each year and a "spring cleaning" of the makeup drawer.
Old Underwear, Socks and Bras - If the elastic is worn and out of shape it is a dead giveaway for the longevity of the garment. It the sock is worn out, out if goes. If the bra is old, out of shape or the wrong size… Well then… It won't look good on you. So out it goes.
Coat Hangers - It is important to have nice coat hangers in the front hall closet. Just keep ten extra if the closet is empty, and if your coats are taking up the space then only keep around three hangers.
Old Car Seats, Cribs Baby Products - Out of use baby products belong in storage. Cover in plastic and label for its next use.
Perfumes and Colognes - Does it still smell good? Do you like it? Don’t' keep too much; you will get confused which one you really like.
Jewelry - If it is broken or brings back bad memories, get rid of it. Try to auction, resale or donate the unwanted jewelry.
Rugs - Try to use the rugs around the house. If they are replacement rugs, try to storage in the less obtrusive place.
Food - Check your pantry and refrigeration /freezer often. Old food is not healthy and takes up too much space.
Remember, if you're having trouble parting with some of your stuff, just ask yourself this question: What would be the worst thing that could happen if I didn't own this anymore?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Unique Mother: Giveaway

Unique Mother: Giveaway: I'm very excited about our very first Giveaway!!!! If you have children that love to skate, and go to the Ice Skating Rink this is...




Take the entire family to the CHEAP Skate event this Saturday from 4:15-5:45 pm! Ice Skate for only $5 at Ice Station Valencia!!!

Dinosaur Encounters at the Natural History Museum

WhenSat, April 13, 11:30am – 12:30pm
WhereThe Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 
DescriptionMeet Hunter and Dakota, a juvenile T-Rex and Triceratops. These realistic, large-scale puppets are used to demonstrate theories on how these dinosaurs moved and behaved. Visit the The Natural History Museum website for more details and to check times. Wednesdays - Fridays: 10:30 am, 11:30 am and 1:30 pm Saturdays and Sundays: 11:30 am and 2:30 pm Adult $12 Seniors and college students $9 Youths (ages 13-17) $8 Children (ages 5-12) $5 Children 4 and under FREE

California Science Center

WhenSat, April 13, 10am – 5pm
WhereCalifornia Science Center, 700 Exposition Park Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90037 
DescriptionVisit the California Science Center’s permanent exhibits, presented in interactive worlds. Older children can learn about ecology, and the younger ones can play with the interactive exhibits and check out the aquarium. Also enjoy the Discovery Rooms, designed for children 7 years of age and younger. Cost: Free admission to permanent exhibit galleries Call 323-724-3623 or visit http://www.californiasciencecenter.org/ for more information.

Downtown Burbank Arts Festival

WhenSat, April 13 & Sunday, April 14, 2013 -  10am – 5pm
WhereSan Fernando Boulevard, between Magnolia Boulevard and Olive Avenue
DescriptionDowntown streets will be packed with digital artists, street painters, sculptors, photographers and more than 12,000 art lovers on four blocks. Visit more than 40 exhibiting artists whose contributions can be seen in some of the highest grossing films in the history of animation. Simultaneously, there will be three additional blocks featuring 90 regional artists and thousands of paintings, sculptures, photographs, jewelry, ceramics and woodwork, with everything made by hand. Plus, Southern California's most talented chalk artists will be creating animation-inspired masterpieces on asphalt and concrete. Cost: FREEFor more information please visit http://www.downtown-burbank.org/
WhenSat, 04/13/2013 at 8:00pm - 11:00 pm
WhereMoonlight Rollerway Skating Rink) 5110 San Fernando Rd. Glendale,  CA 91204
DescriptionAttention Wizards, Witches, Squibs and Muggles of all ages!The 2nd Annual Harry Potter Roller Skating Night will be Sat, April 13th, 2013 from 8pm to 11pm at Moonlight Rollerways Skating Rink in Glendale, CA! Enjoy a night full of Harry Potter music from the films, wizard rock, costume contest, merchandise, games and raffle prizes and roll up to the snack bar for a frothy cup of Butterbeer!
Even if you don’t skate, you can still enjoy all of the fun for only a
few dollars! Spectator (no skating, just watching) - $6.00
Entrance without skate rental (you have your own skates) - $11.00
Entrance with skate rental (rental skates from rink) - $14.50

Take the whole family to this uniquely magical Harry Potter themed event! Be there or be a Muggle!
For more information please visit: http://www.moonlightrollerway.com

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I'm very excited about our very first Giveaway!!!!

If you have children that love to skate, and go to the Ice Skating Rink this is for them.

Ice Station a very unique and fun Ice Skating Rink in Valencia, CA. They have a wide array of rental skates to fit almost every sized foot-from toddlers to adults (size 13 available). 

My family loves to visit Ice Station, because they have a professional staff and friendly environment and are very clean. They also provide bars for the little skaters, in return children get more comfortable in skating and have more fun since they have something to hold on to while they learn to skate. 
They also offer the coolest Summer camp. For more information and their flyer see below.

Ice Station has offered to give one lucky Unique Mother fan a free pass to go Ice Skating at their rink. I'll pick a winner at random and announce it on my blog next Thursday, April 18th.
To enter, leave a comment on our Facebook page, Unique Mother telling us why your child should win this Giveaway. You must be a fan of Unique Mother. One entry per person. 
Good Luck!
Unique Mother

Ice Station's Summer Camp Information!!!!

Registration is NOW OPEN for the Coolest Camp in Santa Clarita.  Ice Station Valencia’s Summer Camp, Kidtastic, will run June 17th-August 9th, Monday-Friday.  We are closed on Thursday, July 4 for the holiday.  Kidtastic offers Ice Skating Lessons for beginners to advanced skaters, Crafts, and Games daily.  Polar Bears (ages 7-12) and Penguins (ages 4-6) participate in Broomball, Introduction to Speed Skating and Hockey, Play in the Snow, and More.   Every Friday our Penguins and Polar Bears will compete in our very own Winter Olympics. 


Love is........     Had to share!!!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013


What Your Personality Type Reveals About Your Health!!!

I came across this very interesting Personality Quiz, and wanted to share it with you all. In today's busy world, being a unique mother, where you want to give and do all that you can for your children and family, we tend to ignore our health at times.

This quiz gives us an opportunity to look at our lifestyle and personality. Lets take a step back, analyze,  and if need be change our outlook on life in a few simple steps.
Link provided below courtesy of  http://www.doctoroz.com/


Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Devil's Food Cupcakes with Marshmallow Filling - YUMMM!!!!


  • 3/4 cup
     (3/8 lb.) butter, at room temperature 
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar 
  • large eggs 
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour 
  • 1/2 cup Dutch-process unsweetened cocoa
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt 
  • 1 cup milk 
  • jar (7 oz.) marshmallow cream 

  • Preparation
    1. 1. In a bowl, with a mixer on medium speed, beat butter and sugar until smooth. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition and scraping down sides of bowl as needed.
    2. 2. In another bowl, mix flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt. Stir in half the flour mixture into butter mixture. Stir in milk just until blended. Add remaining flour mixture and stir just until incorporated. Spoon batter equally into 16 muffin cups (1/3-cup capacity; cups should be almost full) lined with paper baking cups.
    3. 3. Bake in a 350º regular or convection oven until tops spring back when lightly pressed in the center or a wooden skewer inserted into the center comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Let cool in pans on racks for 5 minutes; remove cupcakes from pans and set on racks to cool completely, at least 30 minutes.
    4. 4. With a small, sharp knife, cut a cylinder about 3/4 inch wide and 1 inch deep from the center of the top of each cupcake. Trim off and discard about 1/2 inch from bottom of each cylinder. With a knife, hollow out a small cavity inside each cupcake.
    5. 5. Spoon marshmallow cream into pastry bag fitted with a 1/2-inch plain tip. Twist end of bag tightly to secure. Place tip in cavity of one cupcake; without moving tip, squeeze filling into cavity, to 1/4 inch from top. Repeat to fill remaining cupcakes. Insert cake cylinders into holes.
    6. 6. Spoon chocolate cream cheese frosting into another pastry bag, fitted with a 3/4-inch star tip, and pipe onto tops of cupcakes, or spread on cupcakes with knife.

  • Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting 
  • Ingredients

    • 8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
    • 1/2 cup (1/4 lb.) butter, at room temperature
    • 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
    • 6 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa


    1. In a bowl, with a mixer on low speed, beat cream cheese and butter until well blended. In another bowl, sift together powdered sugar and cocoa. Beat into cream cheese mixture until frosting is smooth.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Yummy Almond Crusted Chicken!!!

We wanted to share with you all this yummy Almond Chicken recipe. It's fast, easy and delicious for the entire family to enjoy. Let us know how you like it :)


  • boned, skinned chicken breast halves 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt 
  • 2 teaspoons soy sauce
  • 5 tablespoons cornstarch, divided
  • 1 teaspoon brandy or water 
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • large eggs 
  • Canola oil for frying 
  • 2 1/2 cups sliced almonds

  • Preparation
  • 1. Trim fat from chicken breasts and cut each into 4 pieces. With a mallet, pound each piece between 2 sheets of plastic wrap to an even 1/4 to 1/2 in. thick.
  • 2. In a bowl, combine salt, soy sauce, 2 tbsp. cornstarch, the brandy, baking soda, and 2 tbsp. water. Add chicken and stir to coat. Let sit 5 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate. In the same bowl, stir in remaining 3 tbsp. cornstarch and the eggs until well blended. Mix in chicken to coat.
  • 3. In a 12-in. frying pan, heat 1/2 in. oil over medium-high heat. Spread almonds on a cutting board. Press chicken into nuts, coating both sides evenly, then lay chicken in oil. Cook until browned, turning once, 4 to 8 minutes total. Drain on paper towels.