It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!!
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same. Cancer has affected all of us in one way or another. As a mom, sister, daughter, friend, or co-worker, we are all familiar with the emotional roller coaster that goes along with a breast cancer diagnosis. As part of Breast Cancer Awareness month, we wanted to highlight a positive organization called "Sima's Wish" and a way to support those you love that have been affected by this disease. Hollywood's celebrities and socialites, including Marina BerBeryan are giving back to the community whether, it's raising awareness or donating proceeds to charities in hopes to find a cure. More importantly the goal is to encourage women around the world to find the time in their busy schedule to get screened.
We at, Unique Mother, encourage you, your friends and family to do so. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 230 thousand women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer by the end of 2013. That is a staggering number, so please get checked! According to The American Cancer Society there are more than 13.7 million cancer survivors in the US and it's the
early detection that actually saves lives of thousands of women each year.
Every year for the past three years Marina BerBeryan, the Celebrity Fashion Stylist and LA Fashion Judge joins the fight.
She partners up with National Breast Cancer Foundation to raise funds for Sima's Wish, a foundation that is dedicated to her mother-in-law who battled breast cancer for 7 years!
To make a donation please visit:
Unique Mother and Marina encourage all women, regardless of age, to get screened, and please share this post with family and friends. The more women are aware, the more lives can be saved.
"Wear you pink ribbon proud ladies!" says Marina BerBeryan.
To learn more about Marina BerBeryan and to keep up with celebrity fashion trends visit or
Follow her...
Facebook: /MarinaCelebrityFashionStylist
Instagram: /MarinaBerBeryan
Twitter: / MarinaBerBeryan
LinkedIn: / MarinaBerBeryan
Google+ : /MarinaBerBeryan
10 Rules for Being Human
Here's to your health!!!!!
Are your kids taking OMEGA 3's??
Are your children nutritionally ready for school? Below is a link to a great article from Life Extensions on how Omega - 3's may help your kids to perform better in school. Let us know what you think.
Here are the “sleep needs” by age from the National Sleep Foundation. I always always always shoot for the high end of the chart. When my little ones get enough sleep, they are completely different kids, and it makes everyone happy :)
We all know how important it is to protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays. But with so many sunscreen options on the market, how do you find the safest one for your child?
7 Fruits and Vegetables That Reverse the Signs of Aging
As moms, we tend to put ourselves last when it comes to taking care of us. Somehow the kids, work, errands, housework, and other things get in the way. It's good to know that we can reverse the signs of aging without spending too much time and effort. By just eating the following seven fruits and vegetables were on our way to continue looking fabulous. Here's to us!!!!!
Lycopene, an antioxidant that can combat free radicals (molecules or ions that can damage healthy cells and suppress your immune system), gets the credit for tomatoes' ability to help protect against some cancers, including lung cancer. If possible, opt for Classica tomatoes—in a study of 13 tomato varieties, Classicas ranked highest in lycopene.
This popular leafy green is a major source of vitamin K (one cup cooked contains almost 12 times your recommended daily value), which may help ward off heart disease and osteoporosis. Ask for Winterbor kale at your local farmers' market—in addition to vitamin K, this variety contains high levels of fiber, which can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
The deep-purple skin gets its rich color and anti-aging power from nasunin, a nutrient that helps fight the spread of cancerous cells by cutting off the blood supply they need to multiply. Research also suggests that nasunin may slow the development of Alzheimer's disease by preventing free radicals from damaging neurons.
Red Bell Pepper
This immunity-boosting superstar contains roughly 60 percent more vitamin C—which triggers the production of white blood cells that fight off germs and bacteria—than its green counterpart. It may also keep you looking young: A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with diets high in vitamin C were less prone to wrinkles, possibly because the nutrient spurs the production of collagen.
Rutin, a potentially lifesaving flavonoid (a class of antioxidants) found in high levels in this flavorful fruit, may block an enzyme linked to the formation of blood clots, lowering the risk of heart attack or stroke, according to a 2012 study from Harvard Medical School.
One of the herb's medicinal properties comes from the antioxidant eugenol. Recent lab studies found that this compound sparks anticarcinogenic activity in cervical cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct.
Brussels Sprouts
Our cells are naturally equipped with tumor-suppressing genes, and the sulfur compounds found in Brussels sprouts may help those genes by blocking enzymes that promote tumor growth. A 2012 study also found that these sulfur compounds could play a key role in treating rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammation and activating cartilage-protecting proteins.
What Your Personality Type Reveals About Your Health!!!
I came across this very interesting Personality Quiz, and wanted to share it with you all. In today's busy world, being a unique mother, where you want to give and do all that you can for your children and family, we tend to ignore our health at times.
This quiz gives us an opportunity to look at our lifestyle and personality. Lets take a step back, analyze, and if need be change our outlook on life in a few simple steps.
Link provided below courtesy of
Dealing with Insomnia during Pregnancy
If you are pregnant, then most likely sleepless and restless nights have become the new normal for you.
Some say it’s preparing you for the interrupted sleepless nights to come after your baby is born. But whatever the reason, it can be frustrating and exhausting not to be able to get a good night's sleep.
Here are some holistic remedies we have gathered up through the research we did and want to share with you all:
1. No coffee, tea or chocolate after 12 pm in the afternoon.
2. Get lots of fresh air.
3. Get plenty of exercise - a physically tired body sleeps more soundly.
4. Don’t eat large meals late at night .
5. An over-active mind can result in insomnia. Keep a “ to do “ and / or journal by the side of your bed. By writing out all that you have to do - your excitement or fears of birth and all the changes that are happening in your life - you will be moving it out of your head and body and on to the paper. Most of the time you will find that it is so much bigger when it’s in your head. So write away!!!!
6. Limit fluid intake a few hours before bed.
7. Take a relaxing warm bath before bed with calming oils such as chamomile or lavender.
8. You can also diffuse in the air or put a few drops on your pillow. You can even put it in the humidifier.
9. Avoid daytime naps.
10. Try a warm glass of organic milk before bed.
11. Chamomile tea or catnip tea.
12. Eat a high protein snack before bed. ( ex: hormone-free turkey and a warm glass of organic milk.)
13. Natural calm-powered drink before bed ( available at all health food stores). Get the one with added calcium.
14. Take 50 mg of vitamin B6.
15. Get a relaxing massage
16. Restorative or yin yoga ( if you can’t find a class then check out online, many places stream great classes).
17. Breath work - just by doing some slow deep breathing can clam your whole being . Try breathing in thru your nose for the count of 4 and slowly breathing out the nose for the count of 4 .. do a few rounds .. the slower you breathe the calmer your energy will become .
18. Don’t watch the news or anything fear-based before going to bed . What you do right before you go to sleep stays with you in your subconscious. The news is filled with negativity and creates fear which in turn will disrupt your sleep. I remember years ago I read a study that found people that watch the news before bed had 80% or more fear and insomnia then people who didn’t. I get online in the late morning and look at the headlines and only read what I want to. This helps filter out the negativity .
On this same note, the Internet is a wonderful tool to access amazing info; but if you look for something to worry about you will definitely find it on there. Limit your time searching for what could go wrong with your pregnancy. Remember 99% of the things you worry about NEVER happen. Always try to think positive and happy thoughts. Happy Pregnancy to all the beautiful pregnant ladies.
It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!!
We at, Unique Mother, encourage you, your friends and family to do so. The American Cancer Society estimates that over 230 thousand women will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer by the end of 2013. That is a staggering number, so please get checked! According to The American Cancer Society there are more than 13.7 million cancer survivors in the US and it's the
early detection that actually saves lives of thousands of women each year.
Every year for the past three years Marina BerBeryan, the Celebrity Fashion Stylist and LA Fashion Judge joins the fight.
She partners up with National Breast Cancer Foundation to raise funds for Sima's Wish, a foundation that is dedicated to her mother-in-law who battled breast cancer for 7 years!
To make a donation please visit:
Unique Mother and Marina encourage all women, regardless of age, to get screened, and please share this post with family and friends. The more women are aware, the more lives can be saved.
"Wear you pink ribbon proud ladies!" says Marina BerBeryan.
To learn more about Marina BerBeryan and to keep up with celebrity fashion trends visit or
Follow her...
Facebook: /MarinaCelebrityFashionStylist
Instagram: /MarinaBerBeryan
Twitter: / MarinaBerBeryan
LinkedIn: / MarinaBerBeryan
Google+ : /MarinaBerBeryan
10 Rules for Being Human
Here's to your health!!!!!
Are your kids taking OMEGA 3's??
Are your children nutritionally ready for school? Below is a link to a great article from Life Extensions on how Omega - 3's may help your kids to perform better in school. Let us know what you think.
Here are the “sleep needs” by age from the National Sleep Foundation. I always always always shoot for the high end of the chart. When my little ones get enough sleep, they are completely different kids, and it makes everyone happy :)
We all know how important it is to protect our skin from the sun's harmful rays. But with so many sunscreen options on the market, how do you find the safest one for your child?
7 Fruits and Vegetables That Reverse the Signs of Aging
As moms, we tend to put ourselves last when it comes to taking care of us. Somehow the kids, work, errands, housework, and other things get in the way. It's good to know that we can reverse the signs of aging without spending too much time and effort. By just eating the following seven fruits and vegetables were on our way to continue looking fabulous. Here's to us!!!!!
Lycopene, an antioxidant that can combat free radicals (molecules or ions that can damage healthy cells and suppress your immune system), gets the credit for tomatoes' ability to help protect against some cancers, including lung cancer. If possible, opt for Classica tomatoes—in a study of 13 tomato varieties, Classicas ranked highest in lycopene.
This popular leafy green is a major source of vitamin K (one cup cooked contains almost 12 times your recommended daily value), which may help ward off heart disease and osteoporosis. Ask for Winterbor kale at your local farmers' market—in addition to vitamin K, this variety contains high levels of fiber, which can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
The deep-purple skin gets its rich color and anti-aging power from nasunin, a nutrient that helps fight the spread of cancerous cells by cutting off the blood supply they need to multiply. Research also suggests that nasunin may slow the development of Alzheimer's disease by preventing free radicals from damaging neurons.
Red Bell Pepper
This immunity-boosting superstar contains roughly 60 percent more vitamin C—which triggers the production of white blood cells that fight off germs and bacteria—than its green counterpart. It may also keep you looking young: A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people with diets high in vitamin C were less prone to wrinkles, possibly because the nutrient spurs the production of collagen.
Rutin, a potentially lifesaving flavonoid (a class of antioxidants) found in high levels in this flavorful fruit, may block an enzyme linked to the formation of blood clots, lowering the risk of heart attack or stroke, according to a 2012 study from Harvard Medical School.
One of the herb's medicinal properties comes from the antioxidant eugenol. Recent lab studies found that this compound sparks anticarcinogenic activity in cervical cancer cells, causing them to self-destruct.
Brussels Sprouts
Our cells are naturally equipped with tumor-suppressing genes, and the sulfur compounds found in Brussels sprouts may help those genes by blocking enzymes that promote tumor growth. A 2012 study also found that these sulfur compounds could play a key role in treating rheumatoid arthritis by reducing inflammation and activating cartilage-protecting proteins.
What Your Personality Type Reveals About Your Health!!!
I came across this very interesting Personality Quiz, and wanted to share it with you all. In today's busy world, being a unique mother, where you want to give and do all that you can for your children and family, we tend to ignore our health at times.
This quiz gives us an opportunity to look at our lifestyle and personality. Lets take a step back, analyze, and if need be change our outlook on life in a few simple steps.
Link provided below courtesy of
Dealing with Insomnia during Pregnancy
Some say it’s preparing you for the interrupted sleepless nights to come after your baby is born. But whatever the reason, it can be frustrating and exhausting not to be able to get a good night's sleep.
Here are some holistic remedies we have gathered up through the research we did and want to share with you all:
1. No coffee, tea or chocolate after 12 pm in the afternoon.
2. Get lots of fresh air.
3. Get plenty of exercise - a physically tired body sleeps more soundly.
4. Don’t eat large meals late at night .
5. An over-active mind can result in insomnia. Keep a “ to do “ and / or journal by the side of your bed. By writing out all that you have to do - your excitement or fears of birth and all the changes that are happening in your life - you will be moving it out of your head and body and on to the paper. Most of the time you will find that it is so much bigger when it’s in your head. So write away!!!!
6. Limit fluid intake a few hours before bed.
7. Take a relaxing warm bath before bed with calming oils such as chamomile or lavender.
8. You can also diffuse in the air or put a few drops on your pillow. You can even put it in the humidifier.
9. Avoid daytime naps.
10. Try a warm glass of organic milk before bed.
11. Chamomile tea or catnip tea.
12. Eat a high protein snack before bed. ( ex: hormone-free turkey and a warm glass of organic milk.)
13. Natural calm-powered drink before bed ( available at all health food stores). Get the one with added calcium.
14. Take 50 mg of vitamin B6.
15. Get a relaxing massage
16. Restorative or yin yoga ( if you can’t find a class then check out online, many places stream great classes).
17. Breath work - just by doing some slow deep breathing can clam your whole being . Try breathing in thru your nose for the count of 4 and slowly breathing out the nose for the count of 4 .. do a few rounds .. the slower you breathe the calmer your energy will become .
18. Don’t watch the news or anything fear-based before going to bed . What you do right before you go to sleep stays with you in your subconscious. The news is filled with negativity and creates fear which in turn will disrupt your sleep. I remember years ago I read a study that found people that watch the news before bed had 80% or more fear and insomnia then people who didn’t. I get online in the late morning and look at the headlines and only read what I want to. This helps filter out the negativity .
On this same note, the Internet is a wonderful tool to access amazing info; but if you look for something to worry about you will definitely find it on there. Limit your time searching for what could go wrong with your pregnancy. Remember 99% of the things you worry about NEVER happen. Always try to think positive and happy thoughts. Happy Pregnancy to all the beautiful pregnant ladies.
Winter Sports You Can Do With Your Kids!!!
It's that time of year that we make New Year’s resolutions - and most lists include staying healthy or getting into shape. In addition to eating healthy, and starting my 30's healthier then I started my 20's, I also included being a more patient, loving, and also fun mom as one of my resolutions.
It is so much easier to stay active during the warmer months with kids. However, here are some fun winter sports ideas for the entire family to stay active, and have fun!
I hate going out in the cold, especially in the snow, but the kids love it. If I am going to be out in the cold, why not make it worth it. Going sledding with your kids can burn up to 477 calories in just one hour. All that hiking up and down the hill will be worth it for your butt and legs! Plus you won’t feel the cold if you’re working up a sweat!
Ice Skating
Getting your kids on ice skates at an early age is great skill for them to learn. I am not the best ice skater, so this would be great for my core, and balancing! Ice skating also helps lose weight it is a great aerobic workout, and fun for the entire family!
Bundle up, and get outside for 30 minutes for a quick game of basketball with your kids on the driveway. It's great cardiovascular workout for the entire family. Plus basketball is a great way to teach kids about teamwork! Something we try to teach our kids everyday. All that passing the ball is good for the arms too!
459 calories per hour plus all the memories created taking your kids skiing! Snowboarding is also a fun way to burn off those extra holiday cookies!
Indoor Swimming
Finding a local arena club with an indoor pool would be an awesome treat for the entire family. My kids love to swim, and getting to do it in the winter is such a cool treat. Maybe doing this activity after all the others would be better, because I don’t know about you but I am not ready for bathing suit season right now! However, swimming we all know is a great form of exercise, and will get us excited for spring/summer.
What are your favorite winter activities with your families? Share with us.
How Naturally to treat and prevent colds!!!
Use Food as medicine - Here's to your health in 2013!!!!!
Garlic: Contains allicin, an antioxidant with anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal capabilities. Helps to shorten and reduce cold symptoms. Allicin becomes active after being chopped/minced/crushed and is destroyed at high temperatures, so try to sprinkle freshly chopped garlic in soups, on pizza/pasta, etc. Allow garlic to "sit" for 10 minutes before ingesting to allow immune-boosting properties to become activated.
Echinacea: Fights inflammation, bacterial/viral infections; boosts the immune and lymphatic systems by stimulating white blood cells. It can help to reduce the duration of a cold by several days when taken at the first sign of symptoms.
Zinc lozenges: Decrease cold duration and helps to attack nose and throat viruses while boosting overall immunity. Take at the first sign of a cold for best results.
Goldenseal: Contains the anti-fungal phytochemical, Beribine, which fights infection/inflammation and helps to strengthen the immune system. It can be found in combination with Echinacea; alcohol-free varieties are best. (Note: not to be taken for extended periods of time; take as directed by your healthcare provider.)
Honey: Boosts immunity by fighting viruses/bacteria. "In a Penn State University College of Medicine study, researchers found honey to be more effective than dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) at reducing the frequency and severity of nighttime coughing" (Lissandrello, 2008). (Note: not for children under 12 months old.)
Ginger: Contains anti-inflammatory phenols, gingerols and shogaols to help relieve cold/flu aches. Ginger also helps to decrease fever, eliminate toxins and allows the body to sweat, without the harsh side effects of ibuprofen. Use in teas/meals; fresh is best.
Cayenne: Well known to help with joint pain, it also contains antiseptic properties to ease sore throats and decrease congestion by thinning mucus. (Note: not for nursing mothers or children under two years old.)
Astragalus: (Herb) promotes white blood cell production to fight infection.
Avoid sugar: Suppresses our immune systems and feeds bacteria.
Kiwi: High in vitamin C and can reduce the severity and duration of upper respiratory infections.
Siberian ginseng: A known adaptogen, allowing the body to restore balance and helps to strengthen the immune system.
Probiotics: Healthy bacteria for vital for our bodies; suggested dosage is 3-5 billion live organisms daily. (Yogurt only contains 100-200 million organisms and less effective strains, along with excessive amounts of sugar and additives).
The Yoga Cure for Busy Moms
Having the toughest job in the world sure can't be easy. Being a busy mom and wearing multiple hats is very hard, tiring and stressful. At the end of the day, I think that mothers are truly the hardest working individuals in this world.
I know how hectic your schedules are and how much all that lifting of kiddies and running around creates tension in your body and mind. Thankfully yoga can help!
Here is a multi-tasking routine that will create space in the spine, release tension in the shoulders and hips and bring your mind back to open, calm and centered, so you can have some space for yourself in there too!
Thanks for all you do! Without wonderful, caring and nurturing moms, none of us would be here! This routine takes about 5 minutes and will leave you feeling refreshed and energized for the rest of your day:
Standing side opener
Stand with your feet parallel to each other. Take a big, deep, inhale and lift your arms out and up overhead. Grab a hold of your left wrist with your right hand and gently lift up and over to get a nice release in your side. Stay here for 3 long, deep breaths and do the other side.
Standing forward bend shoulder opener
Start standing. Interlace your hands behind your back. Take a big inhale and lift your chest up. Exhale and gently fold forward over your legs letting your shoulders release. Bend your knees slightly to take the pressure off of your hamstrings. Stay here for 5 long, deep breaths and gently release and roll up to stand.
Come into a low lunge. Scoot your front foot over so your can lie your shin on the ground. Relax your hips on the ground. If you feel any pain in the knee, scoot your front foot closer toward you or sit up on a pillow to take the pressure off. Stay here for 10 long, deep breaths. Relax your torso forward and hang there for 20 long, deep breaths. Try the other side too!
Deep breaths and enjoy!
How to Do a Breast Self-Exam and a Cancer Prevention Shopping Guide
As women, wives and mothers we need to make sure we are healthy so that we can take care of our loved ones. What is one of the most effective and easy ways to protect your body? Monthly breast self-exams.
October is national Breast Cancer awareness month. While mammograms can help you to detect cancer before you can feel a lump, self-exams make you more familiar with how your breasts look and feel so you can alert your health care professional if there are any changes.
Maintaining a healthy diet is an essential part of being proactive with your
health, and eating certain foods can actually help decrease your risk of
developing breast cancer!
health, and eating certain foods can actually help decrease your risk of
developing breast cancer!
Mixed Berries
(Strawberries, Raspberries,
Blueberries, Blackberries)
Tropical Fruits
(Papaya, Kiwi)
Brussels Sprouts
Swiss Chard
Turnip Greens
Sweet Potatoes
Bok Choy
Chinook Salmon
Lean Chicken or Turkey
Mixed Nuts (unsalted)
Brown Rice
Whole Grain Bread
Green Tea
Pomegranate Juice
Skim Milk
Flax Seeds
Easy Breakfast Smoothie
If you're wondering what nutritious breakfast you can make for your children or yourself, look no further. There’s nothing faster than a morning smoothie and, with the right ingredients such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries it can be a cancer fighter, too.
Makes about 3 cups
1 very ripe banana (the riper the banana, the greater the antioxidants)
2 cups frozen fruit/berries
2 table spoons of greek plain yogurt
Combine the ingredients in a blender. Start your blender on the lowest setting and slowly crank it up as the smoothie starts to purée, then blend for 1 minute. Pour it in a glass and enjoy.
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