Oatmeal is useful in several ways for the skin. It is often used to make face masks and other skin care products. Usage of oatmeal face mask helps you to avoid several skin ailments and also adds glow to your skin. Also, this face mask enhances the texture of the skin and makes it plain and even. If your skin is damaged due to sunburn, it can be cured effectively with oatmeal bath. Below are some oatmeal face mask recipes and their uses.
Oatmeal Face Mask Recipes:
Recipe – 1:
To prepare an easy facial mask with oatmeal, take 5–6 tablespoons of ground oatmeal in a bowl and add water to make a thick and smooth paste. Spread the mixture on the face evenly and let it dry. Rinse it with cold water. You can also add milk instead of water to make your facial skin more nourished. This is the best oatmeal mask recipe for oily skin people.
Recipe – 2:
This oatmeal mask recipe is for people suffering from acne. This can be applied on alternate days and must be followed by moisturizing to eliminate acne. Take five drops of almond oil, juice of half lemon, an egg white and a tablespoon of oatmeal powder. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to make a smooth paste. Add water if it is very thick. Apply it on the face and let it stay for 15–20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water.
Recipe – 3:
This is a best recipe for dry skin and it is also an excellent face scrub. This mask helps in exfoliating the skin and to flush out dead skin cells leaving soft and plain skin. Take a ripe banana and smash it. Take it into a bowl and add a cup of ground oatmeal to it. Mix it well and later add lukewarm milk. Stir it properly to make a smooth facial mask. Apply it over the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Wet your hands if it is dry else start scrubbing it directly to exfoliate the skin. Rinse it off with cold water. Pat dry and apply a toner, which is followed by moisturizer.
Benefits of Oatmeal Face Mask:
It is more beneficial than a healthy breakfast.
Oatmeal facial mask is the best face cleanser. It opens up the skin pores and flushes out dirt. This mask is suitable for all skin types. Hence, people with all skin types may use this to obtain its benefits.
It can be used to treat mild skin irritations.
If you have dry skin, try this face mask to obtain smooth skin.
Half dried oatmeal can be used as a scrub to exfoliate skin.
It also treats itching and is known for anti-inflammatory properties.
Surely oatmeal makes an excellent homemade face mask. If it is used regularly, it helps in providing the best facial skin care. The above mentioned recipes help your skin in many ways by making it wrinkle-free, pimple- free and completely healthy.
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